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NEW FRESH LaMotte 2056 ColorQ PRO 7 Photometer, Liquid Reagents

NEW FRESH LaMotte 2056 ColorQ PRO 7 Photometer (Liquid Reagents)
NEW FRESH LaMotte 2056 ColorQ PRO 7 Photometer (Liquid Reagents)
Item# LM-2056_2lbs

LaMotte 2056 ColorQ PRO 7 Pool Photometer Kit (liquid reagents), V. 5.01, 6" x 7" X 10"

*** New Fresh Stock!!!

*** Please select 3 lbs First class package shipping for international orders.

*** This item is always in stock.

1X P-6740-G DPD 1A liquid reagent for free chlorine, 30 ml

1X P-6741-G DPD 1B liquid reagent for free chlorine, 30 ml

1X P-6743-G DPD 3 liquid reagent for total chlorine, 30 ml

1X 7037-G pH liquid reagent for pH, 30 ml

1X 7038-G ALK liquid reagent for total alkalinity, 30 ml

1X 7042-G CH1 liquid reagent for calcium hardness, 30 ml

1X 7041-G CH2 liquid reagent for calcium hardness, 30 ml

*** The CH2 reagent has only 6 months shelf life, please buy a new one as needed.

1X 6996A-J CYA TesTabs for Cyanuric Acid, 100/P

6X 0201 Color Q Test Tube (5 ml)

Awarded one of the "Most Valuable Products for 2008!" by Aquatics International. The Color Q PRO 7 photometer was designed for pool and spa professionals to measure seven primary pool and spa tests directly on a digital display. Test factors include Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness using liquid reagents to measure 144 tests, and Cyanuric Acid (CYA, CA) TesTabs®. The photometer, testing reagents and photo-diagrammatic multilingual instructions (English, Spanish, French) are packaged in a convenient carrying case. (color q 5 7 9 11 plus), eSeasongear

*** Maximum shelf life for LaMotte Liquid Reagents from production date:

P-6740-G DPD 1A liquid reagent for free chlorine, 24 months.

P-6741-G DPD 1B liquid reagent for free chlorine, 12 months.

P-6743-G DPD 3 liquid reagent for total chlorine, 24 months.

7037-G pH liquid reagent for pH, 24 months

7038-G ALK liquid reagent for total alkalinity, 12 months

7042-G CH1 liquid reagent for calcium hardness, 12 months

7041-G CH2 liquid reagent for calcium hardness, 6 months is an eSeasonGear Dropship Store - One Manufacturer per Order please!